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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


8 novembre 2017

The new publication on inclusion through electronic twinning projects between schools

The new publication “Building a culture of inclusion through eTwinning” has just been released.

The book, available online, in English, includes a section of eTwinning’s projects and activities promoting inclusive school education.  There are many stories and ideas we hope will inspire teachers to build up a culture of inclusion through eTwinning as the title of the publication suggests.

The book focuses on the three following aspects:

  •  How to overcome the geographical obstacles faced by young people living on small islands and in isolated areas.
  • How to  enhance intercultural understanding of young people belonging to minority groups and socio-economical disadvantaged backgrounds: migrants, refugees, young people with linguistic adaptation and cultural inclusion difficulties etc.
  •  How to deal with educational challenges and keep the full inclusion of young
    people with learning difficulties, school refusal issues, young people with lower level of
    qualifications or poor school performance etc.

˃ ˃ Read the publication  “Building a culture of inclusion through eTwinning”

eTwinning is the European community of teachers involved in electronic twinning between schools. The project, funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + Programme, and co-ordinated in Brussels by the European Schoolnet consortium, promotes innovation in the school, use of technology in teaching, and the shared creation of educational projects between classes in different countries. Indire is the eTwinning national unit since 2005. The Italian Unity is constantly working with the network of National Units in the 36 participating countries and with the European Central Unit. There are over 500,000 European teachers registered in the platform, out of these, about 55,000 are Italian, with over 18,000 implemented didactic projects.

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