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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


18 marzo 2019

The international convention on Service learning in May in Lucca


From 8 May, Lucca hosts the international convention “Promoting citizenship, building communities. Towards the Italian way to service learning”. An event addressed to the world of school, university and institutions that brings together Uibi Foundation, Indire and Scuola di Alta Formazione EIS-Lumsa (Complesso San Micheletto, via San Micheletto 3).

This is the first international convention in Italy dedicated to service learning, a still quite new didactic proposal in our country, asking students to carryout concrete solidarity actions for the community.

The method promotes the creation of learning pathways aimed at the creation of a service that satisfies a real and perceived need  on the territory. The initiatives undertaken always foresee close collaboration with local institutions and aim to establish a virtuous cycle between classroom learning and solidarity service. Numerous researches highlighted that the Service learning activities are functional to the enhancement of competence levels, self-esteem, study motivation, participation in school activities and favour the acquisition of pro-social and active citizenship behaviours.

This approach, very diffused in the US, Latin America and many other European countries is finding increasing interest also in Italy. Indire plays a significant role for the schools of our country within the scope of Avanguardie Educative, the innovation movement that, among its many proposals encourages proposals of this kind.


The convention

The Objective of the meeting in Lucca is to include the Italian experience of Service Learning in the international scenario, trying to identify the specific features of a model that can be integrated into our pedagogical tradition and within the legal framework of our country. From the confrontation with international guests interesting proposals for Italy can be created, in order to direct our schools towards practicable and effective paths. Here then is Andrew Furco, founder of the Service Learning Research and Development Centre at the University of Berkeley (California) and coordinator of the first international Service Learning research network; Maria Nieves Tapia, founder and director of the Latin American Centre of Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario; Pilar Aramzaburuzabala, coordinator of the European Engage Service-Learning network; Fanni Dahinden, MIGROS foundation for the support of Service Learning (Switzerland); Roser Battle, founder of the Red Española de Aprendizaje-Servicio and a member of the Centro Promotor de Aprendizaje Servicio de Cataluña and the Fundación Zerbikas of the Basque Country, Spain.


Pre-registration & Certification

Participation in the event is open to everyone and free, but places are limited. To guarantee everyone the opportunity to participate in the event, we strongly recommend pre-registration. Starting from 8 April, the pre-enrolled will receive an email with a request to confirm the registration. The certificate of participation valid for professional training will be issued according to the hours of training performed.


Programme >>

Pre-registration >>


General secretariat UIBI Foundation
tel. 0583 469729 (lun-ven 8.30-13 / 14.30-17)
email: segreteria@fondazioneuibi.it