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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


15 novembre 2019

National Erasmus+ for school Info day with individual consultations

The Indire’s Erasmus+ organises on Tuesday 3 December from 10:30 to 5 pm an information day dedicated to the Erasmus opportunities for schools (Firenze, Piazza delle Murate, room Ketty La Rocca).

The meeting will be opened by Sara Pagliai, coordinator of the national Agency Erasmus+. The programme foresees the intervention of experts of the Agency on various aspect of planning, from the starting idea to the final results going through the life circle of the mobility programmes for staff and strategic partnerships for schools. In the afternoon, from 2 pm to 5 pm, the personnel of the  management and administrative departments will be available for individual consultations on applications for learning mobility projects KA1, partnerships for school exchange KA229 and strategic partnerships KA201, in view of the deadlines for the call 2020.

Participation is open to all!

Info: erasmusplus@indire.it


Programme of the day >>

Online registration and booking for individual consultations >>