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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana



PATHS, this morning in Florence the final event with the INDIRE researchers

"The study of philosophy within civic education in technical and professional institutes...

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The fifth edition of the Agenda 2030 day at the secondary school “Giotto Ulivi” in Borgo San Lorenzo (FI)

The 2030 Agenda is the agreement signed in 2015 by 193 UN countries which aims to protect...

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Artificial Intelligence, INDIRE’s research at the Ital-IA conference

Ital-IA is the third national conference on Artificial Intelligence organized in Pisa...

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The impact of sounds and noises at school: take part in the EUN international survey

European Schoolnet – EUN in collaboration with Saint-Gobain Ecophon, has launched a...

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Sustainability education with the Whole School Approach to be discussed on May 30 in Florence

As part of the 2023 Sustainable Development Festival, the Whole School Approach seminar...

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The educational avant-garde movement with UNICEF for the UPSHIFT inclusion project

The UPSHIFT project Growing what a feat! An innovative model for the development of 21st...

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Schools as common goods, the presentation event of the Labsus Report in Lucca

On Tuesday 23 May, at the Vincenzo Da Massa Carrara Conference Room in Lucca, there will...

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#Erasmusdays: the 2023 edition is dedicated to skills and citizenship

From 9 to 14 October, six days to celebrate the Erasmus+ programme, European citizenship,...

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ITSs and student skills. INDIRE protagonist of the States General of Orientation in Frosinone

On the morning of Wednesday 17 May, the Benito Stirpe stadium in Frosinone was the stage...

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