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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


27 giugno 2017

Last places available for the summer school dedicated to the “small schools”

Enrolment to participate in the first edition of the summer school dedicate to the “Small schools”, in Sassello, in the province of Savona from 5 to 7 July, is still open.

The initiative was launched as an occasion to discuss and analyse in-depth the “Small schools” issue, which in Italy concerns about 900,000 students from 1,333 mountain and island schools. The teachers and support teachers involved are over 90,000, distributed in 47,486 classes and 1,990 mixed-age classes. These schools face up to many organisational and didactic challenges every day: from the size of the structures to the multi-age classes, from the reduction of the staff allocated, to frequent teachers’ turnover jeopardising teaching continuity.

The title of the summer school is: “Teaching and learning in the small schools”. The event is organised by the research centre on media education, information and technology of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (CREMIT) in collaboration with Indire, Di.S.A.L. association, and Sassello Municipality.

To participate in the summer school, it is required to enrol online and pay the inscription fee (75 Euros including VAT).

The detailed programme is available at this page. For further information (also regarding accommodation structures in the area) write to formazione.permanente-bs@unicatt.it.