Early school leaving concerns young people who drop out of studying without finishing secondary school and therefore without obtaining a diploma.
Early school leavers are exposed to future unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. There are many reasons why young people drop out of education before concluding their studies: personal or family problems, learning difficulties, social, cultural or economic reasons. Other reasons are stress, the school environment and the relationship between the student and the teacher.
The EU has been engaged for many years in combating early school leaving and member states are adopting support measures for students, families and teachers to increase school completion rates.
Taking into account the importance of giving a second chance to adults willing to obtain a school diploma, EPALE dedicates to the early school leaving issue a thematic area of its platform, where, during all July, it is possible to access resources, articles and blogs published by the EPALE community and by its National Units. These contents are Multilanguage and are constantly updated.
Do you want to contribute to the thematic focus on early school leaving? Write your article and publish it on the EPALE platform or contact the National Unit.
–> Thematic section “Second chance Schools” on EPALE (English)
The electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) is the European digital platform dedicated to the professionals operating in the adult education sector. The online environment offers the chance to collaborate and meet to exchange ideas, experiences and solutions. Currently, it has 26 thousand subscribers in Europe and 3 thousand in Italy. The EPALE National Unit is based at Indire.
Suggested links:
- Join EPALE
- EPALE Italy website
- Follow the EPALE on Facebook and Twitter