On the occasion of the international literacy day on 8 September, the electronic platform EPALE dedicates the month of September to adult literacy. From the 4 to the 7 of September there will be also an online forum with European experts to discuss actions to be taken.
In the EU, there are currently 55 million adults, from 16 to 65 years of age, with reading, writing and calculation difficulties. In Italy, the percentage of adults with insufficient literacy skills is 27.9 %. A recent study by the network Elinet (European Literacy Policy Network) has collected data from the main European countries and analyses the effects of increased literacy rates. According to this research, improving literacy skills helps to integrate better in society, find a stable and more remunerative job, decrease the risks associated with many diseases because of better information, have a more satisfying family life and reduce the risk of committing crimes.
Do you want to delve into this theme?
Don’t miss the online forum with the Epale experts on the successful national policies for adult literacy from 4 to 7 September. Subscribe to Epale and go to this webpage. The discussion, in English, will be moderated by David Mallows, thematic coordinator for life skills, in collaboration with our partners of the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN).
Moreover, during all September, the thematic page of Epale “Basic skills”, gathering articles, resources and researches and case studies, will be updated with new contents. If you want to contribute, join Epale! We remind you that Epale is a Multilingual portal; contents vary according to the selected language.
The electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) is the European digital platform dedicated to the professionals operating in the adult education sector. The online environment offers the chance to collaborate and meet to exchange ideas, experiences and solutions. Currently, it has 26 thousand subscribers in Europe and 3 thousand in Italy. The EPALE National Unit is based at Indire.
Suggested links:
- Join EPALE
- EPALE Italy website
- Follow the EPALE on Facebook and Twitter