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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


6 settembre 2017

Indire collaborates with Harvard Graduate School of Education on “Project Zero”

The collaboration between Harvard Graduate School of Education and Indire on “Project Zero” has started. “Project Zero” is a research project initiated in 1967 by Harvard Graduate School of Education to study human thinking, learning processes and knowledge acquisition.

This research sprang out of the need to make thinking processes visible, in order to involve teachers and students in a critical reflection on their teaching and learning activities and their thinking processes. Identifying and understanding the key factors supporting the acquisition and transmission of knowledge, enables the creation of a new educational model in which teaching is not only the passive transmission of knowledge from teachers to students.

The collaboration between Harvard Graduate School of Education and Indire came after the visit of Mara KrechevskyGSHE, Senior Research Manager to Indire’s headquarters in Florence on 16 March this year. On that occasion, Mara Krechevsky presented her research and discussed the issues related to critical thinking and creativity with the Indire researchers. From that meeting sprang out the project Making Learning and Thinking Visible in Italian Secondary Schools (MLTV)“, the experimentation of a new educational model for Italian secondary schools based on documentation as a tool to valorise learning and self-analysis.     


The project is part of Indire’s Innovation research area



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