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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


12 settembre 2017

The Organisation of the 2017/2018 Academic Year and School Time in Europe

School has restarted. Teachers and student in Denmark and Finland were the first to begin the new school year. In 14 EU countries the academic year started on the first of September, in 12 on the first week of September, while in 10 countries school starts in mid-September. This was the case for Italy, Cyprus; Greece, Portugal, Turkey abut also Bulgaria, Luxemburg, Romania, and Slovakia. In Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy, Netherlands and Switzerland the beginning and ending of the school year vary in every region.

All the information on the organisation of the academic year in European school can be found in the two reports of the Euridyce network The Organisation of School Time in Europe. Primary and General Secondary Education – 2017/2018 e The Organisation of the Academic Year in Europe – 2017/2018.


The report includes national data on the duration of the school year, beginning and ending dates, holiday duration, and number of days of school in primary and secondary schools of 37 countries.




The publication includes national data on the organisation of the Accademic year ( beginning and ending of the AY, holydays and exam sessions) in 37 countries



What is Eurydice?
Eurydice is the European network which collects, updates, analyses and disseminates information on policies, structure and organisation of the European educational systems. Created in 1980 on the initiative of the European Commission, the network consists of a European Unit based in Brussels and some National Units. Since 1985, the Italian National Unit has been based at Indire.


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