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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


10 ottobre 2017

The Webinar launch of the new Eurydice publication on academic staff

On Friday 24 November there will be the webinar to launch the new Eurydice publication on academic staff “Eurydice Brief – Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Academic Staff – 2017”

The document is the Eurydice synthesis report drawing from the more extended report “Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Academic Staff – 2017” on academic personnel in European Higher education, released in June. In recent year, this sector has undergone deep changes, such as increased number of students, new regulations and financing mechanisms, new quality assurance systems and increased society’s needs. However, the impact of these changes on academic staff wasn’t given enough attention.

Eurydice synthesis report focuses on some of the main conclusions drawn up from the report, dealing with political planning, European academic careers in Europe, working and teaching conditions.

Follow the presentation webinar of the publication (24/11/17 12.30 pm)

What Eurydice is

Eurydice is the European network which collects, analyses and spreads information on  policies, structures and organisation of the European educational systems. The network was created in  1980 under the initiative of the European Commission and is composed of the European Unit in Brussels and the national units. Since 1985, the Italian national unit has been based at Indire.

Useful links

The new report of Eurydice network is focused on Academic staff

Eurydice website