On 13 and 14 October the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus programme will be celebrated with Italian end European events.
The programme will be presented by the participants of mobility projects. Schools, Universities, associations, municipalities, European information centres and regional school offices accepted with enthusiasm the National Agency Erasmus+ invitation to organise an event to give visibility to the programme and open to European opportunities.
The initiative was started in collaboration with the Erasmus+ France / Education & Formation agency and was welcomed by various other national agencies, in particular by the Spanish and the German agency. In Italy it was promoted also by the Youth National Agency.
The Italian cities involved are: Ragusa, Treviso, Naples, Rome, Turin, Taranto, Soverato, Pisa, Bari, Perugia, Catania, Ancona, Padova, Parma, Venezia, Ferrara and Genoa. The programme foresees conferences, concerts, theatre shows, art exhibitions, fashion shows, welcoming days, training activities for teachers, presentations, and above all, many stories told by students to students of different school levels or by foreign students experiencing an Erasmus+ mobility project. Many events are open to the public and provides the opportunity to understand what participating in an Erasmus+ project means, especially for schools, considering the strong participation to the initiative of schools of all types and levels.
The capital of the Erasmus days will be Perugia, hosting three events on 13 October. The president of the University of Perugia and the Mayor of Perugia will welcome more than 350 students coming from 22 countries to live an Erasmus experience in the capital of the Umbria region. Simultaneously, in the assembly room of the Cesaron palace will take place the event “Live Europe”, organised by the secondary school “A. Volta”. This institute has played a pioneering role in cooperation projects and in Erasmus mobility for high school individual students. In the afternoon, in the same location, there will be an e-Twinning regional seminar, organised by URS Umbria to promote the European teachers community. Finally, Europe Direct Umbria will be promoting an event dedicated to Erasmus+.
Many schools joined the programme proposing a great variety of events to make known the ongoing projects through the direct involvement of students, among other initiatives, giving also inputs for communication and dissemination strategies.
These are some of the schools:
- The secondary school Manzoni in Caserta organises an event to disseminate the results of the project roBOT (bilingual,open&tablet) Classes: for inclusive and compensative teaching based on bilingualism and the use of tablets;
- The secondary school Pra in Genova is organising a meeting for its students and the Erasmus students from different countries, in collaboration with Genoa l’Erasmus Student Network
- The secondary school Catullo in Rome hosts 4 schools of the capital and of the province of Rieti for the event “learn to welcome”
- The secondary school in Sassuolo presents a game, born out of an Erasmus+ project, on European history and culture through centuries.
In the university sphere, IUAV in Venice organises the event “Quo vadis Erasmus Traineeship?” dedicated to the in-company internships and students mobility; The Polytechnic University in Milan carries out a training activity for secondary school teachers: “Maths and Programming for a more effective teaching practice”, under the umbrella of the strategic partnership KA2 DiS-Code.
Finally, many other events, organised by centres, associations and municipalities will promote the project dedicated to migrant’s reception, European volunteering service and the European solidarity body.
The Erasmus orchestra’s concert
On 13 October the Indire’s national Agency Erasmus+ will take the Erasmus orchestra to France for the concert in Strasburg, included in the celebrations for the 30th anniversary in France. The orchestra debuted in Florence on 7 May on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Erasmus and the initiative was much appreciated by the EU commission and by the colleagues of the other national agencies. We hope, with a hint of pride, that the 13 October performance will be just the first of many others in Europe.
We thank all the teachers, the headmasters, the project coordinators, the responsible for the international relations offices of the Universities and all those committed to realise this celebration event. Will the Erasmus days become an annual appointment in the European agenda? We are counting on it!
Official hashtag: #ERASMUSDAYS
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