The provincial centres for adult education open up to Europe with EPALE and Erasmus+
From 9 to 11 November, the Indire’s EPALE national unit, in collaboration with the Erasmus+ agency, organises a national thematic seminar in Rome, addressing adult formal education, and in particular, the provincial centres for adult education, in order to encourage their growth and their opening up to Europe.
The seminar “The provincial centres for adult education open up to Europe with EPALE and Erasmus+” will involve 150 teachers and headmasters. The event aims to introduce the opportunity offered by EPALE, the European electronic platform for adult education and to inform about the learning opportunities for adults included in the Erasmus + 2018 Call for proposals.
A recent study carried out by the Indire’s national agency Erasmus+, responsible in Italy for Erasmus+ adult education, revealed that only 37% of European cooperation and training experiences result from formal education (the provincial centres for adult education are classified as formal education). Nevertheless, those who participated to these experiences emphasised the many benefits of these experiences. Among their main benefits there was: internationalization (87.9% of respondents), language skills improvement (76.7%), new teaching/training methods (75.9%), new organisational, and managerial skills (62, 1%) and much more. During the seminar, the criticalities that have hindered so far the opening of the provincial centres for adult education to the international dimension will be analysed to identify actions to support the participation and the planning capacities of the centres.
The conference will be attended by representatives of the the Ministry of Education, Inapp, Ridap and the main bodies and networks operating in the sector. Best practices carried out by the provincial centres for adult education in Rome, Taranto and Turin will be also presented, and group works on action planning, led by the Erasmus+ agency will take place.
The electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) is the European digital platform dedicated to the professionals operating in the adult education sector. The online environment offers the chance to collaborate and meet to exchange ideas, experiences and solutions. Currently, it has 32,000 subscribers in Europe and 3,600 in Italy. The EPALE National Unit is based at Indire.
Suggested links:
- Join EPALE
- EPALE Italy website
- Follow the EPALE on Facebook and Twitter