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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


27 novembre 2017

Education in Europe: two new publications of the Eurydice network

Eurydice network has just released two publications in English on the structure and organisation of educational systems in Europe, available for consultation, free of charge.

The first publication, The Structure of the European Education Systems helps to understand how the educational systems are organised in different countries, form pre-primary to tertiary education, to find differences and similarities at various educational levels, to discover different educational models and their duration, the educational provision at the level of tertiary education, and much more. These Data are also included in national schematic diagrams, a guide and a map. The information relating to the school academic year 2017/18 regards 43 European educational systems, encompassing the 38 countries participating in the European programme Erasmus+.

>> Download The Structure of the European Education Systems – 2017/2018



In the second publication, Compulsory Education in Europe – 2017/2018,  the Eurydice network tackles the issue of the duration of compulsory education/training in Europe, pointing out the age of starting and finishing the different paths and specifying the concepts of compulsoriness, full time and part-time, which differ in each country. This information is available for 43 educational systems of 38 countries.

>> Download Compulsory Education in Europe – 2017/2018



What Eurydice is
Eurydice is the European network which collects, updates, analyses and disseminates information on policies, structure and organisation of the European educational systems. Created in 1980 on the initiative of the European Commission, the network consists of a European Unit based in Brussels and some National Units. Since 1985, the Italian National Unit has been based at Indire.


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