
Our researchers Gabriella Taddeo, Letizia Cinganotto and Andrea Benassi are going to participate in the final conference of the Mentep project, held on 27 March at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Brussels and organised by European Schoolnet, and the European partners of the projects among which there is also Indire.
Mentep (acronym of Mentoring technology enhanced pedagogy) is a European project funded by the programme Erasmus+ and created in 2016 with the aim of developing and experimenting TET-SAT, the online tool for self-evaluation of teachers’ digital competencies and the use of teaching technologies. The project involved 16 partners in 13 European countries and was addressed to teachers working with youths from 12 to 15 years of age. The aim of the project was to introduce a pedagogical reflexion on the role of digital languages and technologies in education, favour professional updating of teachers, and gather dates regarding attitudes and needs of European teachers in this field.
During the conference, the results of this experimental project will be presented for the first time. The conference is open to teachers and researchers in the field of education.
In the framework of Mentep, Indire conducted experiments with the tool TET-SAT in Italy, involving a sample of 700 Italian teachers. During the conference, the researcher Gabriella Taddeo will present the experimentation on Immersive evaluation of digital competencies carried out in Italy.
The conference includes presentations and interactive workshops on:
- Methods and results of infield research (December 2016 – June 2017), implemented on more than 7,300 teachers in 11 countries to test the tool for self-evaluation TET-SAT
- Key results of the project on online self-evaluation and a feasibility study on certification
- How to involve teachers in collaborative teaching and knowledge acquisition of TET competencies through MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)
- Capacity building sessions on how to carry out a political experimentation with schools
- Practical sessions with teachers presenting TET-SAT
- Reflections and discussions on further implementations and sustainability of the TET-SAT tool
Participation is free and registration can be made at this page on a first come first served base.
Find here there the draft programme and the logistic information
All the other information can be found in the official conference website
Useful links:
Brief video presentation of the TET-SAT tool: