On 11 May the first 2018 AperiEPALE is taking place in Teramo from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm. This is a formative and informative event on adult education organised by EPALE Italian national unit. Erasmus and EPALE staff will meet the participants in via Savini 48 to present the European opportunities for adult education. Not only EPALE, the European platform dedicated to adult learning, will be presented with all its tools and strategic targets, but also some of the regional results of the Erasmus+ programme will be described and there will be a presentation of the programme by the Indire’s Erasmus+ national unit.
The event is organised in collaboration with EPALE ambassadors in the Abruzzo region.
Participation is reserved to EPALE’s subscribers (subscribe here) on a first come first served basis. The event will be concluded by a networking coffee offered to the participants to break the ice and kick-start new collaborations between professionals in the territory, thanks to the EPALE community.
Friday, 11 May 2018 (h 3.30 pm – 7:30 pm)
The electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) is the European digital platform dedicated to the professionals operating in the adult education sector. The online environment offers the chance to collaborate and meet to exchange ideas, experiences and solutions. Currently, it has 37,000 subscribers in Europe and more than 4000 in Italy. The EPALE National Unit is based at Indire.