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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


16 aprile 2018

The map of the 150 events of the eTwinning regional seminars

The eTwinning regional seminars for teachers are back. From April to November there will be more than 150 free-of-charge events organised by schools all over Italy, in order to promote the use of eTwinning and give advice and practical examples to start innovating teaching in Europe.

This is the map with in person and online training events. To  know the details of each event click on the blue pin for in person events and on the yellow pin for the webinars (some events are still in the definition process and will be updated soon).


The events are addressed to headmasters, teachers and school personnel of all school levels.

The seminars are organised in collaboration with the Regional school offices and with network of national eTwinning ambassadors. The map is constantly updated, therefore dates and locations might change or be incomplete. We advise contacting the eTwinning referents of one’s own region to have the events confirmed and know further details.

Thanks to this initiative there will be more than 7 thousand teachers who will have the opportunity to know eTwinning better and start taking the first steps on the eTwinning platform.

Useful links: