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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


26 aprile 2018

“Digital Opportunity Traineeships” The EU’s initiative to boost digital competences

 In today’s world, the new competences required by the job market in the future can be predicted. A solid formation in the digital sector can fulfil future market requests.

37% of the workforce is currently lacking the necessary digital competences to enter the professional job market, and about 40% of the companies report difficulty in recruiting ICT experts. This discrepancy between demand and supply causes about 350 thousand vacant positions and this is doomed to increase if actions won’t be taken.

Digital Opportunity Traineeships”, the initiative launched by the EU for 2018-2020 comes within this framework. The intervention is addressed to forming students and newly graduates through a transnational training experience in the digital area and aims at directing the maximum number of students as possible to careers related to the technology sector.

During the internship, the students selected will develop competences ranging from development of applications, software and websites, analysis of data and SEO, cybersecurity, management of security systems and information networks, cloud computing, to quantic and artificial  intelligence.

The project is financed through the programme Horizon 2020 and implemented through the programme Erasmus+. Students and newly graduates can apply for the internships at their universities, according to the Erasmus+ internships programme.

The subjects involved are:

  • Universities and institutes for tertiary education participating in the Erasmus+ programme
  • Students enrolled at institutes for tertiary education in Italy and newly graduates within 12 months since graduation
  • Companies wishing to offer an internship in the digital sector to Italian and European students

Further information and future updates can be found on the dedicated website