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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


25 maggio 2018

Work placement schemes for school students: Federmeccanica, Indire and Miur published the book on the pilot project on traineeship

The book “Planning, managing and evaluating work placement schemes for school students”, edited by Arduino Salatin, compiles the experiences carried out with “Traineeship”, the pilot project which involved Federmeccanica, Indire and Miur and showcases the experiences carried out and the instruments utilised for their planning, implementation and evaluation of work placement schemes.

The project “Traineeship” aims to the national experimentation of work placement schemes for school students and reached operational start in 2016.  It proposes a method aiming at the harmonic development of all the phases leading to the implementation of significant experiences of work placement schemes for students, companies, and schools. 50 schools participated in the project through a co-planning and sharing system involving schools and companies.

The project presented instruments for the planning and implementation of work placement schemes for students in the schools participating in the project. Thanks to the collaboration of Federmeccanica many companies have been involved. Thus, the project triggered off a virtuous cycle of diffusion of work placement schemes for students in companies; schools’ in depth knowledge of the production base of the territory; establishment of new relationships and consolidation of the already existing ones; and of exploration of the reciprocal needs of schools and companies.

The introduction of work placement schemes for students in the second cycle of education – pursuant to law 107/2015has triggered off a deep cultural change for schools, companies and families, unless this is to be intended as a mere bureaucratic change.

Some well-structured leader in their field small and medium size enterprises and some smaller companies, deeply engaged in the educational process, have been involved in the Traineeship project. These companies have played a central role in the analyses of competences and in the planning of the work placement schemes.

In Italy, the majority of the production base is made out of small and very small enterprises, it is very rare that these companies actively participate in the planning stage, despite being available to take on students for work placement schemes. The Traineeship project adopted a method for the progressive involvement of companies by developing co-planning with a reference company wishing to invest in this phase; subsequently, other companies operating in similar sectors took advantage of the already developed project which was adapted to the characteristics of the other companies.

Download the bookPlanning, managing and evaluating work placement schemes for school students”

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