Erasmus+ increases training mobility opportunities for teachers, school staff and adult education staff. In June, the 2018 evaluation procedures of learning mobility projects regarding key action 1 on school education and adult education concluded.
As far as school education is concerned, the Agency received 553 project applications. After qualitative evaluation, 146 of these projects were approved. These mobility actions will allow 3.344 people (+23,4% over 2017) including teachers, managers, school administrative staff to have an experience of European mobility for training courses, job shadowing or teaching assignments. The financial commitment to sustain mobility in this sector amounted to 7.310.885 Euros (+27% over 2017 budget). On average, each project will allow the mobility of 23 people. The most active regions are Emilia Romagna, Sicily and Puglia.
71% of the outgoing teachers will attend a course but also the teachers who prefer to carry out a job shadowing activity abroad increased (29%). Regarding the destinations chosen for training mobility, more than 26% chose to attend courses in the UK, followed by Ireland, Finland, Spain and France. As for the subjects of the courses chosen by the teachers, priority was given to courses on the use of innovative didactic methods, followed by new technologies and digital competences and learning/teaching of foreign languages.
As far adult education is concerned, mobility is going to concern 602 people ( +32% over 2017), as the result of 27 awarded projects presented by the national organisations dealing with adult education for a total funding of 1.156.351 Euros (+30,4 % over 2017). In this sector, the most represented regions were, in order: Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Lazio. Overall, out of the 79 applications received, 34% of the projects presented will be financed with an increase of the approval rate of 12% compared to 2017.
To know more:
The list of the results of the 2018 key 1 actions – school section
The list of the results of the 2018 projects of key action 1 – adult education section