The enrolment for the course for cultural mediators promoted by UNAR – Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali (The anti-racial discrimination national office) and Indire in collaboration with IUL online university has opened.
The course is mainly addressed to mediators already practicing this profession but not exclusively to them. The course is entirely free and accessible online (find the enrolment page here and the guide for first access).
The course aims to enhance competences in the legal, social, linguistic and cultural areas and provide students with actual training on the principles of non-discrimination and equal treatment sustaining European legal culture in view of supplying knowledge and competences to be used immediately in the job market.
The course deals with many topics: from history of law and communitarian systems welfare, study of the context of provenience of migrants to Italy, immigration policies, to the management of help relations and strategies of conflicts containment. There are also modules dedicated to gender policies and linguistic mediation and a series of laboratories on the B2 level of foreign languages, welcome systems in Italy and valorisation of differences.
The cultural mediator
The cultural mediator is a professional carrying out not only the indispensable activity of interpreting and translating but also performing the crucial bridge function between the necessities of migrants and the services offered by public bodies and private structures. The cultural mediators are now a constant presence in all the structures were there is connection between public administration and foreign citizens. Police headquarters, prefectures, job centres, tribunals, prisons, schools, hospitals and reception facilities are some of the places where counting on a communication specialist who can also perform this delicate function of cultural orientation is crucial. Therefore, guaranteeing tools for their constant professional qualification is fundamental.
The NOP for Inclusion
The specialisation course for cultural mediators is born out of 2014-2020 communitarian planning NOP for inclusion that promotes innovative measures and services against poverty and social marginalisation. The UNAR – identified as the beneficiary of the NOP for inclusion by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies – signed an agreement with Indire to start this specific training aimed to qualify the cultural mediation activity.
>> Enrol to the course by 31 March
>> Do you need help to access? Find the guide here
Useful links:
- Information page on the training for cultural mediator
- UNAR – The anti-racial discrimination national office
- NOP for inclusion on the Unar website
- IUL online university