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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


31 maggio 2019

Erasmus+ mobility grants for teachers and adult education staff to increase in 2019

The assessment of Key Action 1 (KA1) of school education sector and adult education sector has just concluded. These measures increase the training opportunities of teachers and adult education staff that can confront themselves with colleagues from other European countries by attending structured courses to exchange practical experiences in all European countries.


Erasmus+ mobility for school students: the numbers of KA1 2019
As far as school education is concerned, the agency has received 496 applications out of which 199 projects were approved after formal and qualitative selection. These 199 projects will allow 4.256 people (+9% compared to 2018) including teachers head teachers and school administrative staff to have an experience of European mobility for a training course, job shadowing or teaching assignments. The funds allocated to sustain mobility in this area are about 9.900.000 euros (+15% compared to 2018 budget) and every project will allow on average the mobility of 21 people.


The KA1 mobility grants for Eda staff in 2019
As far as adult education is concerned mobility is going to affect 959 people (+37% compared to 2018) as a result of the 52 winning projects presented by the national organisations dealing with adult education for a total funding of about 1.900.000 euros (+42% compared to 2018 funding). Overall, out of the applications received by the agency, 60% of the projects submitted by the end of last February will be funded.



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