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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


5 giugno 2019

New Epale focus on formal and informal learning

The ways we learn new things are increasingly more related to contexts that don’t foresee the granting of certificates and formal recognitions. Formal and informal learning relate to work, family, and free time. Even if these learning and training paths are still second to formal educational and training paths, this area has started acquiring importance and visibility with the creation of the concept of lifelong learning and with the starting of European policies to enhance its pivotal role.

According to its definition at European level, with non-formal learning we intend that characterised by an intentional choice of the person and taking place out of formal systems in each organisation pursuing educational and training objectives also in the voluntary sector, national civil service, non-profit sector and  companies. For informal learning we intend that taking place in people’s daily life and relationships taking place at work in the family and in their free time, regardless of intentional choice.

Epale dedicates its thematic focus to non-formal and informal learning emphasising the results of projects, the resources and the news elaborated by the organisations in the thematic session dedicated to the platform (contents vary according to the language chosen).

It is possible to contribute to the focus and publish contents accessing Epale’s website with one’s own credentials and choosing among the metadata “non-formal and informal learning” for content categorisation. The articles published will be included in Epale’s July 2019 newsletter, sent to all its members.


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