From 13 to 16 July Volterra will host the first summer school for eTwinning ambassadors and regional referents. It’s going to be a four-day of full immersion to favour formation, networking and team building of more than 160 teachers experts of the platform that support the activities of the National unit and make the opportunities offered by the community known all over Italy.
The event organised by the Indire’s eTwinning national unit aims to update the participants on the state of the art of the eTwinning community in Italy, sharing with the network priorities and goals in the area of promotion and formation in view of the next school year make known the initiatives and results of the action at European, national and local level.
The staff of the Indire’s eTwinning national unit will provide information on the breakthroughs and future developments of the action whereas at the same time the experts will enliven workshops on networking activities, team building and best practices exchange.
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