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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


9 ottobre 2019

The Erasmus orchestra inaugurated the third edition of Fair Didacta Italy in Florence

The 50 young musicians of the Erasmus orchestra conducted by Elio Orciuolo inaugurated the third edition of fair Didacta Italy (scheduled from 9 to 11 October at the da Basso Fortress) in the Salone dei Cinquecento of Palazzo Vecchio, with music of Mozart, Verdi, Bizet, Puccini and Beethoven.  See the photos!


Orchestra Erasmus - Inaugurazione Didacta 2019


What is the Erasmus orchestra?

The Erasmus orchestra was created in March 2017, on the initiative of the Indire’s Erasmus agency on the occasion of the celebrations for the 30 years of the European mobility programme. It is a unique music ensemble in its kind made up of students of Italian conservatories and music institutes who participated or are taking part in an Erasmus international mobility experience. The orchestra aims to promote the values of the Erasmus generation that is open, dynamic and supportive and the values of Europe, by using music as a metaphor of integration, encounter and development of competences beyond any linguistic, geographical and cultural barriers. Since the beginning, the performances of the Erasmus orchestra has obtained great success of audience and from the media and institutional interest beyond national level.

