How does education and care policies of early childhood differ in each country? Which policies help to avoid early school leaving in education and training? Is informal learning recognised to access higher education in all European countries?
The latest Eurydice report “Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe 2019″ presents more than 35 structural indicators on educational policies for the academic year 2018-19 on six areas: education and care of early childhood (ECEC), acquisition of basic competences, early school leaving of education and training, employability of graduates and learning mobility.
The updates of 2019 structural indicators concerns all EU member states and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey.
Part of the information contained in the report concerning EU member states were published in the document “Education and Training Monitor 2019”.
Read the report “Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe 2019” >>
What is Eurydice?
Eurydice is an institutional network that collects, updates, analyses and disseminates information on the policies, structure and organisation of the European education systems. Founded in 1980 on the initiative of the European Commission, the network consists of a central unit based in Brussel, and various national units. Since 1985, the Italian National Unit has been based at INDIRE.
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