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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


28 febbraio 2020

Indire is ready to support the schools closed for the Covid-19 health emergency

In the past days the government put in place urgent measures, including the suspension of educational services and attendance of school activities – except for distance education – in the municipalities affected by the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency.

In order to support the schools involved in the measure, the Ministry of education has opened a page for distance learning. Through this page, interested schools can freely access tools for cooperation, best practices exchange, twinning projects among schools, certified platforms and multimedia study contents.

Distance learning is a learning mode not only requiring the availability of dedicated hardware and software, but also the activation of assistance initiatives addressed to the school communities affected by these measures.


Indire is active with the Educational Avant-garde network to support closed schools

From this perspective, Indire together with the schools of the Educational Avant-garde movement set up a solidarity initiative to provide immediate support to the schools closed in these days for the Coronavirus emergency.

More than a hundred schools in the Avant-garde network (but increasingly more are joining the network) identified a series of methods and innovative solutions useful for distance learning activities: video lessons, online courses, podcasts, sharing of materials, web radio, e-learning platforms, use of contents, digital contents repositories, video editing. 

The schools of the movement, each one according to its experience in the sector of didactic innovation, are at the disposal of all the schools requiring support, in order to share their know-how, advise and give support to all the teachers that, maybe for the first time, find themselves sharing online didactical materials, creating learning objects, and use distance learning applications.

On the dedicated page, it is possible to contact the schools of the movement according to the type of support offered.


Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 March open access webinars

Also with the aim to assist and help teachers to familiarise with the main online learning applications, from Tuesday 3 March, starts a cycle of free webinar organised by Indire and led by its researchers, and experts and head teachers of the Educational Avant-garde network. Starting from the many best practices already successfully experimented in numerous Italian schools, management of virtual classes, in cloud school, didactic video creation, digital storytelling, and multimedia materials fruition on distance learning platforms will be presented.

On the same days, webinars addressed to schools in internal areas, mountain areas and islands are also scheduled, in collaboration with the Small Schools Network.

The webinars, organised according to this schedule, are open access without registration (it is just necessary to connect a few minutes before the starting of the event) and are addressed to all the teachers interested in familiarising with innovative methods and tools for distance learning, also in view of an experimentation beyond the current emergency.

More than 20 hours of training in total will be provided in two days, but the offer might extend further in the next hours.

Recorded webinar will be accessible at the end of each meeting.


The Educational Avant-garde network in support of the Sanitary emergency

Webinar calendar – free access without registration

The page “Distance learning” on the Ministry of education’s website

Miur’s press release of 2/3/20