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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


3 aprile 2020

From schools to hospitals: Indire prints out in 3D protective face visors for doctors and nurses

Creating 3D protective face visors for doctors and nurses deployed in the Covid-19 emergency. This is what is happening these days at Indire, where a group of researchers of the Maker@school project is printing out personal protective equipment for medical centres and hospitals in Tuscany. 

“It all started with the contacts that our research group had within the Facebook group, 3D Print Covid 19, that connects makers of different parts of Italy – Lorenzo Guasti, Indire’s researcher explains – We joined this national movement to meet the increasing request of protective equipment by many doctors who are reporting the difficulties of being supplied with them, during the covid-19 emergency. There is increasing need to integrate this provision with further protective equipment and we are working on it. We have just started – Guasti concludes – and we just want to give a small contribution based on our competence and on the work we carryout everyday with didactic experimentation at schools, and within scientific research. We do it in the maker spirit: sharing knowledge and being at the community’s disposal”.

The production is growing continuously. So far, 20 face visors were given to the Misericordia health centre in Sesto Fiorentino (FI), and 30 are under production for Pistoia hospital. Moreover, the institute is in contact with the cooperative Humanitas in Prato and the hospital of Ponte a Niccheri for further supply. Other 50 visors will be produced in the next days. 

The maker@school movement is committed to the monitoring of the most interesting educational experiences linked to the maker movement, laboratory teaching, and the use of 3D printers at school. Besides Lorenzo Guasti, the entire research group including, Luca BassaniAlessandro Ferrini, Lorenzo Calistri e Gabriele Pieraccini is involved in the creation of protective visors.