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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


11 giugno 2020

The role of parents in children’s study activities during the pandemic: take part in IUL’s international survey

IUL online university is carrying out an international research to understand the role that parents/tutors undertook during school closure due to the Coronavirus emergency.

The research is promoted by Bath University (UK) and involves different institutions and countries including Chile, Belgium, Japan, India, Turkey, Honduras, Colombia and Mexico. IUL University is the referring institution for the Italian sample.

The research is carried out by IUL’s humanity department as part of the bachelor’s programme in “Psychological sciences for human resources, organisations and enterprises”.

The questionnaire is addressed to parents and tutors of students aged between 6 and 16 and includes questions concerning the role of parents in distance learning activities carried out in the last months. The study aims at deepening themes such as, help received by schools, the ability to use technology and time management during the pandemic. 

The questioner is anonymous and open until the end of July. Results will be published next October on IUL’s website. 

Further information: questionario_genitori_dad@iuline.it


Take part in the survey >>