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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


13 novembre 2020

The Fablearn Italy 2020 call for paper has opened


FabLearn Italy doesn’t stop. The international conference on Makers and Educational robotics for didactics comes back for the 2020 edition in virtual mode, hosting as always Italian and international guests who are going to open the thematic sessions and talks of a high scientific value.

The event is part of the activities of the worldwide FabLearn network and is organised by Indire and the Polytechnic University of Marche and financed by the NOP ” for school” 2014-2020 Coding and Robotics Project (Project Code 10.2.7.A2-ESFPON -INDIRE-2017-1 – UPN: B59B17000000006).

This year FabLearan Italy 2020 is going to take place in virtual mode from 14 to 18 December, in the afternoon, so as to allow everyone to be able to follow the panels and round tables that will be organised.

The theme of FabLearn Italy 2020 is “The school tackles the COVID-19 emergency: perspectives and answers from making, coding, robotics and learning environments.”

Through lectures, round tables, presentation of scientific works and posters the latest results of the introduction of digital fabrication, robotics, AR/VR, information technologies for teaching, assistive robotics for education, maker culture, hands-on learning and innovation of spaces for learning environments will be discussed, with a special focus on how these tools can contribute to face up to and mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the educational system.

Until 29 November, teachers, educators, trainers and practitioners are invited to forward their contribution as a short paper (3 pages) or poster on the following themes:

  • Maker Spaces and Fablabs in secondary schools – The maker approach to teaching and learning;
  • Laboratory teaching with the maker approach, from distance teaching to integrated digital teaching: models, methods, tools and perspectives;
  • Laboratory teaching with the maker approach – models, methods and tools;
  • Robotics and automation in curricular and non-curricular, formal, non-formal and informal education
  • Virtual reality, augmented reality and digital solutions for teachers;
  • How innovative spaces and learning environments influence the transformation of teaching – good practices and pilot projects;
  • Technological devices for teaching and assistive robotics.

An international scientific committee will select the short-papers that may be presented at the event.

After the conference, the authors of the accepted short-papers will be able to send the extended versions, which will be revised in open access, for publication in the conference book.

Participation in Fablearn Italy 2020 is free of charge. 

Participate in the call for papers of FabLearn Italy 2020 >>