Also in the 2021 edition of Didacta Fair Italy – online from 16 to 19 March – the scientific programme includes some events entirely dedicated to the Higher Technical Institutes.
The Higher Technical Institutes are the new frontier of the connection between training and work. They are closely integrated within the productive and economic world and aim to enhance the human capital as well as local production systems. This training sector provides professionalising short cycle higher education. Its training and occupational success is based on permanent training networks established with strategic productive sectors, on the quality of the educational offer – more than 70% of the teachers come from the world of work – and strong use of lab-based learning.
Indire, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, builds and manages the national data bank of the higher technical institutes, and the national monitoring. It also carries out research to investigate structural, organisational, didactical and developmental aspects, implemented in the higher technical institutes, so as to systematise them, in order to start an innovation process.
There are two events on the calendar, a seminar and a conference, both on Friday 19 March:
- 19/03/21 1:30 – 15 pm
What will I do when I grow up? Orienteering towards the post-diploma higher technical education and higher technical education and training offer - 19/03/21 5 pm – 7 pm
Higher technical institutes: training model for Industry 4.0 and a successful means for young people’s employment
All the events grant an attendance certificate
DIDACTA FAIR ITALY 2021 – ONLINE from 16 to 19 March
Registrations for the fourth edition of Didacta Fair Italy, the most important national event dedicated to school innovation, are open. The scientific programme encompasses over 160 events including conferences, immersive workshops and seminars on methodologies and tools for innovative teaching, school organization, school subjects and curricula. To participate in Didacta Fair 2021 it is necessary to register online, consult the scientific programme and select the activities of interest, completing the procedure by purchasing the ticket directly on the portal, also by using the Teacher’s card.
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Scientific programme >>
How to participate >>