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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


11 marzo 2021

Stem and technology: science education innovates at Didacta Fair

“The workshops and the seminars on science education organised by Indire at Didacta Fair will be about actual technologies, such as 3D printers, but also the most innovative technologies which integrate with them to create active didactics and more interdisciplinary learning.” Jessica Niewint, Indire’s researcher, explains in her video presenting the STEM events.



The starting day is Tuesday 16 at 1:30 pm with the seminar “Learning and technologies: inputs for active teaching”. Indire’s researchers will present projects carried out by the schools of the Educational Avant-Garde Network on innovative methodologies such as TEAL or spaced learning. Also on Tuesday, at 3 pm, it will be the turn of the immersive workshop “The DIY augmented book”, which will propose two very simple approaches to enrich and enhance the traditional school text with information selected from the web. The last appointment on Tuesday is at 6 pm with the immersive workshop “Building toys with a 3D printer”, a workshop focused on the didactic value of the designing of small 3D objects.

The next day, Wednesday 17, the appointment is at 1.30 pm with the seminar “Laboratory Teaching – Gene Editing in secondary schools”. We will discuss with Emanuele Panza, researcher at the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences of the University of Bologna, the techniques that allow to permanently modify the DNA of a cell. Since these technologies are destined to have a huge impact on our lives, it is essential to provoke a debate, especially among the youngest. At 3 pm there will be the immersive workshop “STE (A) M-IT – a framework for developing an integrated & interdisciplinary Learning Scenario”, addressed to upper and lower secondary school teachers (the same event, but for primary school teachers, is on Wednesday at 6m). The event is inspired by a very specific reflection, namely that scientific disciplines are very often taught separately. There are lessons in physics, chemistry, biology, but students are unlikely to see the connections between the different subjects and, above all, between what they learn in the classroom and the world outside the classroom. In these two workshops we will practice in developing a teaching unit, together with the teachers of the European STEAM-IT project, by contextualizing real-world problems and researching their interdisciplinary connections.

The last appointment with STEM subjects is on Friday 19 at 6 pm with the immersive workshop for secondary school teachers “Teaching science through play”. While educational play is usually neglected in high school, it can actually prove to be a great tool for stimulating high levels of interest and involvement in the classroom. Playing in the classroom in a structured context, without of course neglecting scientific rigor, can also help students improve interpersonal skills in an atmosphere of mutual respect and attention. During this workshop, participants will learn how to design various types of didactic games for the different teaching subjects.


All the events grant an attendance certificate.


DIDACTA FAIR ITALY 2021 – ONLINE from 16 to 19 March

Registrations for the fourth edition of Didacta Fair Italy, the most important national event dedicated to school innovation, are open. The scientific programme encompasses over 160 events including conferences, immersive workshops and seminars on methodologies and tools for innovative teaching, school organization, school subjects and curricula. To participate in Didacta Fair 2021 it is necessary to register online, consult the scientific programme and select the activities of interest, completing the procedure by purchasing the ticket directly on the portal, also by using the Teacher’s card.


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