The impact of eTwinning on the in-service professional development of teachers in Italy. The first results of the INDIRE and UNIFI research are available
The first results of the research “The impact of eTwinning on the in-service professional development of teachers in Italy” are available online. The study aims to assess the effects of the teaching and training experience, gained within the European eTwinning community, on the professional development of teachers working on the national territory.
The study was conducted jointly by Indire and the eTwinning National Support Organization of Italy, together with the University of Florence, throughout 2020.
Pending the complete results – which will be presented in a more extensive and in-depth manner in a volume published by Carocci Editore at the end of 2021 – The research group is making available a first brief research report containing the main results of the study, and eTwinning teachers will have the opportunity to read the document in its interactive version, while simultaneously providing personal feedback on the results of the survey.
The study led to the development of a framework of eTwinners’ competences divided into three areas of analysis: Didactics, teacher professionalism and school participation, investigated through an empirical study on a sample of teachers enrolled in eTwinning. The analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data, collected with a questionnaire and a series of in-depth interviews on specific issues, highlighted a strong correlation between the perception of the development of specific skills pertaining to the three different areas (in particular that of Didactics and Teacher Professionalism) and the “eTwinning experience”, that is the active and continuous involvement of teachers in the various opportunities offered by the eTwinning community, from participation in projects, to face-to-face and distance training, to peer learning with colleagues met on the platform.
An interactive report for eTwinners
The summary of the research results can be consulted on the Indire website in a static and interactive version (only for eTwinning teachers). The section is also available in English.
The static version is aimed at anyone who wants to read the preview of the survey in the form of a synthetic report, downloadable in the traditional .pdf format.
The interactive version is aimed exclusively at teachers and staff involved in eTwinning projects who will be able to interact with the research results by providing a series of feedback based on their eTwinning experience, which will be collected anonymously and used for research purposes.
What is eTwinning?
With over 945,000 members in 43 countries, eTwinning is the largest European community of teachers and schools active in distance learning collaboration. This is an initiative launched in 2005 by the European Commission which is implemented through an electronic platform which is part of the opportunities of the Erasmus + Programme.
More information on the website: