“The school on the screen”project becomes part of the European Film Factory network and participates in the Transilvania International Film Festival
Indire Small schools Movement with the project “The school on the screen”, coordinated by the researchers Pamela Giorgi and Giuseppina Rita Jose Mangione, becomes part of the European Film Factory network, the European platform for cinema education. The interest in small schools and the use of cinema as a virtual space capable of strengthening the identity of the educational realities of the peripheral territories and at the same time the language to address issues relating to sustainability and the territory, led the Institut Français to welcome INDIRE Small schools among the “Amis d’EFF“.
As part of this collaboration, the researcher Pamela Giorgi will take part in the conference organized in Cluj-Napoca on 26-27 July 2021 at the Hotel Platinia, to talk about film education in Europe on the occasion of the Transylvania International Film Festival (TIFF).
The programme of the meeting includes numerous interventions on the theme of film education and its importance as a tool for fostering European cooperation, promoting social inclusion and proposing innovative teaching practices.
The Indire researcher Pamela Giorgi will focus on the audio-visual resources present in the portal “The school on the screen” designed for teachers of small schools in order to deepen social, cultural and economic issues with their students.