Everything is ready for the traditional appointment with the States-General on digital school. The event, which is in its 6th edition this year, aims to take stock of the theme of innovation and digitalisation of teaching and learning systems in our country.
The appointment is on 26 and 27 November in Bergamo, in the former power plant in Daste e Spalenga street, to talk about developments, scenarios and the current situation of education in Italy. The event, this year in blended mode including in-person and live streaming, is now a reference point as far as the debate on these themes is concerned, and is a fundamental appointment for the entire school community.
Participation is free of charge but it is necessary to register at the website:
The States-General on digital school acquires this year a special meaning by being held in the midst of the implementation of the general plan for school reopening, and a few weeks away from the ending of the Pandemic state of emergency, while our country is attempting its recovery also thanks to the funds of the National Plan for recovery and resilience.
The debate will be introduced by the Minister Patrizio Bianchi and will be about the use of the funds of NextGenerationEU; the role of teaching in the formative process of youths after the crisis; and the necessary transformations of school structures and infrastructures. The two days will be participated by high-calibre experts not only of the school community but also of politics, psychology and economics.
There are many themes at stake in this 2021 edition: the future of books in the digital school, the relationship between technology, education and the world of work, but also the role of videogames and of scientific thinking in the construction of youths’ identities and the role of teaching in the country’s recovery process.
Speakers will include, among others, the Mayor of Bergamo Giorgio Gori, Dianora Bardi of the Learn Digital Association, Patrizia Graziani of the Territorial School Office of Bergamo, Marco Bentivogli of Base Italia, the journalist Ferruccio de Bortoli, the philosopher Luciano Floridi, the Director of the Observatory on Italian public accounts Carlo Cottarelli, the President of the Advisory Group on advanced technologies UN/CEFACT Stefano Quintarelli, the director of SkyTg24 Giuseppe DeBellis, the Nobel Prize in Physics Carl Weiman, Marilù Chiofalo of the University of Pisa. Howard Gardner will be present from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and many more are the expected speakers.
The President Luigina Mortari will speak for Indire, in the special session on Friday 26 at 9 am, immediately after the opening of Minister Bianchi. Technologist Andrea Benassi will participate in panel 7 “Digitizing the school”, on Saturday 27 (11 am – 1 pm). Cristina Grieco, Councillor of the Minister of Education for relations with the Regions for VET and member of Indire’s Board of Directors will speak in panel 8 “Innovation and sustainability. New paradigms of educational systems” (Saturday 27, 2.15pm – 3.45pm).
The panels will be coordinated, among others, by the journalist Marianna Aprile, the deputy director of Skytg24 Omar Schillaci, Gianna Fregonara and Valentina Santarpia of Corriere della Sera, Pierangelo Soldavini of Sole24Ore and many others.
The event is organized by the Municipality of Bergamo, Regional School Office for Lombardy – A.T. Bergamo and by the Impara Digitale Association, with the collaboration of BaseItalia and Copernicani, the patronage of Indire, the Province of Bergamo and AGID.
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