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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


12 novembre 2021

The eTwinning Italy 2014-2020 report is online

The activities report of the Indire’s eTwinning national unit 2014-2020 is available. This is a thorough account of the activities and management results of eTwinning in Italy, in the last semester of the Erasmus+ programme.

The booklet is a useful tool for stakeholders, media, institutional representatives and all the users interested in knowing more about eTwinning to understand its impact in our country. Besides providing an overview of the initiative, the volume focuses on the national situation, supplying a session with statistics, thematic focuses, in-depths, images and staff testimonials, that describe the activities of the Indire’s eTwinning national unit, based on five interrelating strategic assets:

  1. eTwinning’s dissemination in the country
  2. innovation and internationalisation of didactics
  3. teachers’ training and professional development
  4. information, promotion and dissemination
  5. community’s support, orientation and safety

Among the main results emerged during the seven years of activities of the national unit, there are: the number of users – the enrolled teachers are more than 91.600 – and the eTwinning projects activated, which are more than 32 thousand.

There are also the awards: 5thousand quality labels assigned to projects of Italian schools and more than 80 thousand teachers trained in more than 1.500 events organised in-person and online. The eTwinning national website exceeded 800 thousand visits. There are more than 40 thousand followers on social media and more than 1.600 news published on national media; while on the safety side and subscribers’ orienteering , the national unit managed a total of more than 16 thousand assistance requests, on top of the verification of all registered users.

“The data which emerged from this report – Flaminio Galli, Indire’s Director General said – “demonstrate how the collaboration between schools provided by eTwinning is an excellent tool to share innovative didactic experiences within the network that we, as the Indire’s national unit Erasmus+, are committed to extend and enhance in view of a school system based on collaboration, exchange and continuous learning in a multicultural context also beyond EU’s borders.”

The report will be distributed in paper version during the next events and initiatives.


Read the 2014-2020 Italian activities report >>