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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


12 gennaio 2022

Epale seminar “Take action to support one another. Policies and practices for social inclusion and equality”

On 27 January the Epale Unit organises the national seminar “Take action to support one another. Policies and practices for social inclusion and equity” which will take place online from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm.

The seminar will analyse the topic of active inclusion understood as a process that aims to enhance the individual potential of the subjects involved and the development of societies and communities based on the multifaceted participation of all people, no one excluded.

To make the indications contained in the inclusion policies effective, the involvement of every person, at every level and in every role, is necessary. For this reason, adult education must facilitate the understanding of how to make this participation possible, also and above all by creating places for knowledge creation, exchange and comparison both in person, in the territories, and online through tools that are widely available today.

Epale has chosen to make the issue of inclusion central, in line with the priorities defined at European level, and is committed to facilitating with its tools the convergence of available resources, networks and the people involved; since 2021 the Epale Italia Unit has launched training initiatives, which will continue in the coming years, aimed at different subjects in relation to their role in adult education, and more generally to each person as part of this society which we want to make more fair and inclusive.

The seminar on January 27 will take stock of the state of the art and will relaunch the theme in view of future occasions.

The morning will be dedicated to offering an overview of national and European policies dedicated to inclusion, with the intervention of experts from the Ministries of Education and Labour, with the intervention of a representative of the European Commission and with the online participation of speakers from academia and the most active research bodies.

In the afternoon, however, space will be given to practical experiences and proposals for the future, presenting in particular those that emerged in the initiatives that Epale Italia promoted in autumn 2021: the active citizenship course “RE-START. For a supportive community in the post-pandemic phase” and the Epale Edu Hack initiative, aimed at adult education and social and digital inclusion, issues on which schools can play a fundamental role, as shown by the projects presented by the CPIAs.

To participate, online registration is required, providing the email address to receive links and information for accessing the virtual classroom of the seminar.


Sign up for the seminar >>

Read the program and other information on the Epale website >>