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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


2 febbraio 2022

Teaching languages with eTwinning, the online seminar in March

The eTwinning programme offers the ideal context to develop also skills in a foreign language. The relationship between European collaboration projects between schools and innovation of language teaching is the core theme of the multilateral seminar “Teaching Languages”, scheduled online for next 24 and 25 March.

The event will be an interesting occasion for exchange and reflection for European teachers of foreign languages of upper and lower secondary schools registered in the platform.

The aim of the event is in fact to incentive the creation of eTwinning projects between teachers and classes of different countries, and incentive the creation of projects connected to the theme of teaching and learning foreign languages.

The seminar, carried out in English, is going to last for two afternoons: Thursday 24 march from 3 pm to 5:30 pm and Friday from 2:30 pm to 6pm.

There are three places available and the selection criteria are the following:

  • To be a teacher of a foreign language in upper or lower secondary schools registered in eTwinning before 30 November 2021
  • To possess a strong knowledge of the English language, the working language of the seminar.
  • Even if specific experience with eTwinning is not required, previous experience in terms of updating of the profile on the platform, eventual participation in eTwinning projects, and the participation in the community and in the various opportunities for professional development will be considered.

Priority will be given to teachers who have never participated in other European eTwinning events in person or online and to the applicants who took part (proved by the attendance certificate) in the eTwinning 2021 online course on SOFIA, organised by the European national unit; in a seminar or in an eTwinning training course at regional level, organised by the relating regional school office.

Among the applications received, on the basis of the information provided in the module, the national unit will select the three Italian teachers invited to participate. Only the teachers selected will be contacted, and in the following weeks other candidates may be contacted for replacement.

For information: selezioni.etwinning@indire.it


Send your application by 12 pm on 21 February >>