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7 febbraio 2022

Online safety and eTwinning, a webinar for teachers for Safer Internet Day 2022

The webinars with experts, organized by the Indire national eTwinning Unit in collaboration with the connected generations project (Safer Internet Center), are back again this year.

These are online meetings aimed at teachers, head teachers and other school staff, on current and highly interesting topics with a view to highly qualified professional and educational updating.

The first appointment is scheduled for Friday 11 February at 5.30 pm, as we prepare for the Safer Internet Day 2022, the world day to raise awareness on the conscious and safe use of the Internet.

The webinar, titled eTwinning, a safe environment for teachers and pupils to collaborate online, will see the participation of eTwinning experts and ambassadors who will provide teachers of all school levels with useful tips for working online in the classroom in total safety.

For example, we will talk about what to make public and what to leave private in a TwinSpace, how to treat images and better protect pupils’ personal data, how to collaboratively build a shared netiquette, and how to search for online sources avoiding fake news.

Speakers will be Enrica Maragliano, classical and linguistic high school “G. Mazzini ”of Genoa and eTwinning Ambassador for Liguria; Cira Serio, “San Tarcisio” state-recognised primary and “Bimbi lieti” infant school in Herculaneum and eTwinning Ambassador for Campania; Simonetta Galli and Monica Fucina, ICS “Rita Levi-Montalcini” of Bagnolo Cremasco; Alessandra Lovato, art school of Verona and eTwinning Ambassador for Veneto.

The free of charge event is aimed at teachers and head teachers of all levels. Online applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis until all places are filled, with priority for teachers enrolled in eTwinning.

The duration of this event, as well as the next ones scheduled for the whole of 2022, is approximately 2 hours. At the end of the meeting, a certificate of participation will be issued.

Privacy, security and transparency are fundamental principles for the eTwinning community. The TwinSpace, the work platform reserved for each project, is a private online workspace, which allows you to collaborate safely, in a protected environment. For more information on the esafety policies implemented by eTwinning, you can consult this section of the European portal or the FAQs.


Sign up for the webinar (11/2 at 17.30) >>

Find out more about eTwinning training >>