The reports on the STE(A)M IT project and on the “Career Advisers Network” have been published
The two reports on the progress of the STE(A)M IT project and on the development of the Career Advisers Network – CAN are available online.
The STE(A)M IT project, launched in 2019, led to the development of a series of training activities, events and publications focused on the interdisciplinary approach to teaching STEM disciplines.
The mid-term report collects the salient points of the project and all the planned activities that will be carried out before its conclusion. It lists the publications produced to date, an update on the archive of 42 professional profiles related to STEM disciplines and the results of training courses on integrated teaching promoted in collaboration with the Scientix network. During 2022, the STE(A)M IT project will also publish the first STE(A)M integrated European reference framework, co-designed by the ministries of education and a focus group of teachers.
Mid-term report of the STE (A) M IT project >>
The second report concerns the network of career consultants “Career Advisers Network”, launched in November 2021 as part of the STE(A)M IT project, in collaboration with the STEM Alliance. The network, made up of 58 members from 21 countries, was created with the aim of supporting teachers in primary and secondary schools in identifying the professional career paths available for students in the area of science, technology and engineering and mathematics, and to promote the integrated teaching of these disciplines. The report illustrates the results achieved and the next activities that will be undertaken for the development of the network.
Career Advisers Network report >>