On Monday 28 March, the MOOC “Digital education with the cultural heritage” starts. It is promoted as part of the project “Europeana DSL-4” and co-financed by the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility.
The course, of an approximate six-week duration aims to develop teachers’ and educators’ competences and digital practices, sustaining the use of the digital cultural heritage in online and offline activities, regardless of the teaching subject.
During the meetings participants will get to know better the cultural contents of Europeana, the digital library collecting more than 50 million digital materials in 30 languages, coming from 3,700 different institutions in the 28 countries of the European Union. The learning scenario model and how to use it in the class will be also illustrated. This initiative is aimed to learn how to design engaging contents and in-depths on current themes, exploiting the educational potential of the European digital cultural heritage.
The lessons will end on 11 May and are organized as follows:
- Module 1 – Europeana: transform education with digital culture
- Module 2 – Do research and use the Europeana website to conduct your teaching activity
- Module 3 – Explore Europeana’s educational resources and tools
- Module 4 – Design learning scenarios with Europeana’s contents and resources
- Module 5 – Evaluate Cultural Heritage Lessons
To participate you must register (deadline: March 28).
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