Equity and inclusion in higher education, the EACEA conference online on 2 June
On Thursday 2 June from 11.30am to 1pm the European Commission’s Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organizes the online conference “Towards equity and inclusion in higher education in Europe“, during which the latest report of the Eurydice network, on the attention given by European policies to the issues of equity and inclusion in higher education, will be discussed.
The volume is intended to be a comparative mapping tool of the different positions taken by Member States on the principles and guidelines related to the social dimension of education, a topic at the centre of the current debate in the EU. The results that emerge from the Eurydice network study are the result of an analysis of the progress already made in the various countries and of the sectors that still represent an open challenge .
On the occasion of the conference on Thursday 2, will speak on this topic: Sophie Beernaerts, head of the Erasmus+ department, EU Solidarity Corps, EACEA; David Crosier and Emmanuel Sigalas, EACEA political analysts; Kinga Szuly, EAC Head of Higher Education; Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, director of the Croatian Institute for Development of Education (IDE) and co-chair of the Bologna Follow Up Group (BFUG) on the social dimension of education.
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