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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


14 luglio 2022

Policies in support of the integration of Ukrainian students in European schools

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine forced many people, including a high number of children and youths, to flee their homes, to seek protection in neighbouring European countries. The schools of the hosting countries are now responsible for providing students with high quality education and support. EU countries have already started many actions to address refugees’ educational needs, however it is necessary to give the same level of attention to their phyco-social needs.

This short Eurydice report focuses on some policies and measures implemented by European higher education authorities that aim to support schools in Ukrainian students’ integration. This includes recent policies and measures specifically addressed to Ukrainian students and policies and measures addressed to newly arrived students, already implemented before the conflict.

The report is based on the results of the 2019 study “integration of students coming from migrant context in European schools” and provides updated information collected through a survey in the countries belonging to the Eurydice network (excluding Hungary and Serbia) the referring year is 2021/2022.


Read the report «Supporting refugee learners from Ukraine in schools in Europe»