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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


14 settembre 2022

The Scientix Italy Conference is online from 28 to 30 September

From 28 to 30 September 2022, the Italian Scientix community organizes the third edition of the online Scientix Italy Conference, an appointment dedicated to schools, during which projects and good practices related to the different sectors of science will be presented to teachers, by other teachers.

From bioeconomics to educational robotics, from artificial intelligence to STEM for artistic expression, from coding to gamification, to learn science through play and motivate students to study scientific disciplines.

The STEM acronym (which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) now represents no longer just a content linked to the individual subjects but have become a term identified with a useful approach to the dissemination of scientific thought and the development of transversal skills, for the growth of citizens with a greater ability to make informed decisions in daily life. Integrating STEM into teaching practice encourages a type of curiosity capable of transforming children into real lifelong learners, with better prospects not only for study, but also for work, since the job market today has growing demands for careers related to scientific disciplines.



The themes of the three plenary sessions will examine respectively the role of the Scientix network in Italy and Europe (20/9), the use of artificial intelligence at school (29/9) and the innovation of the Italian scientific curriculum (30/9).

Barbara Quarta, project manager of the science education department of European Schoolnet, the network of European Ministries of Education that supports the management of Scientix.eu, the community for science education in Europe, will start the conference on Wednesday 28th. To follow, three ambassadors of the Scientix Italy network will share their experience within the network and will explain the value of the community for working with students.

On Thursday 29, Lidija Kralj, European Commission expert on artificial intelligence and internet security, as well as a member of the UNESCO workgroup on AI in education, will talk about strengths and weaknesses in the use of artificial intelligence at school and of the “ethical use” of data, with a look at the current state of AI in European education and its development potential in education.

On the last day, Friday 30, we will talk about digital curricula for the STEM area. Filomena Rocca, coordinator of the operational unit of the Committee for the development of scientific and technological culture, and Arturo Marcello Allega, head teacher of ITIS “Giovanni XXIII” in Rome and member of the Committee for the development of scientific and technological culture, will propose a course for the digital curriculum based on the creation of a prototype of “Healty City”. With this project, the students invented a device similar to an aquarium, capable of acting as an air purification system in closed environments (domestic, work and recreational), providing for the abatement of pollutants through the use of an innovative technology, based on the combined effect of an oxidation system and biological elements capable of absorbing and metabolizing the main substances responsible for indoor pollution.

The organizing committee of the conference is made up of the INDIRE researchers, Serena Goracci, Ciro Minichini and Jessica Niewint Gori (contact person for NCP Scientix Italia), and the Italian Scientix Ambassadors Costantina Cossu, Marilina Lonigro and Francesco Maiorana.



Each of the three days includes a plenary session followed by three seminars organized in parallel sessions based on the school grade (infant and primary, lower and upper secondary), which can be freely participated by clicking on the links published on the programme, plus a workshop to which it is necessary to register in advance (here all the links). The parallel sessions will address issues ranging from science education to the humanities and creative areas (philosophy, history, art, creation of animated digital content, etc.) to transversal thematic areas such as sustainability, biodiversity, and citizenship education.

Each day will have a total duration of three hours, from 4pm to 7pm: participants who follow at least 75% of the total time (2 hours and 15 minutes) will receive a certificate of participation for each day.



The Scientix project, coordinated by European Schoolnet, the network of 33 European Ministries of Education, aims to collect and disseminate innovative teaching practices for science teaching at an international level and to revive the interest of young people in a professional sector in which the European Union is investing heavily. Indire is Scientix’s National Contact Point for Italy and is therefore responsible for making the resources and opportunities offered by the community known throughout the country.


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