Distance learning and digital divides. The impact of the pandemic on European schools and pupils in the new Eurydice report
Schools and pupils across Europe have been severely affected by the measures taken by the authorities to limit the spread of the pandemic. While full school closures have been quite rare and relatively short in duration, the rapid shift to distance or blended learning has revealed large differences in the levels of digitization between countries and in the digital capabilities of schools, teachers and students.
The new report “Teaching and learning in schools in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic” provides an overview of the impact of the pandemic on the organization of school education, reviewing the main policy responses implemented by European education systems to address in the emergency, difficulties in teaching and learning.
The results highlight, among other things, the importance of offering students additional tutoring in small groups or differentiated teaching to help those who encounter difficulties due to distance learning. At the same time, the analysis also shows how, in many places, the sudden shift to distance learning has served as an important push towards accelerating school digitalization.
See the report “Teaching and learning in schools in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic” >>
What is Eurydice?
Eurydice is the European network that collects, updates, analyzes and disseminates information on the policies, structure and organization of European education systems. Established in 1980 on the initiative of the European Commission, the network is made up of a European unit based in Brussels and various national units. Since 1985, Indire has been the seat of the Italian national unit.
Other useful links:
- Eurydice website – Italian national unity
- Eurydice website – European Central Unit
- All publications of the network