eTwinning weeks 2022, the European campaign for new quality projects is back
The eTwinning Weeks/eTwinning Weeks campaign restarts, from 26 September to 20 October on the ESEP /eTwinning platform.
The initiative will support participants with a variety of activities, including online ones, inspired by this year’s eTwinning theme, namely the new European Bauhaus, for the creation of new quality projects inspired by sustainability, beauty and inclusion.
The 2022 campaign, “A journey to quality”, organized on the European School Education Platform, is hosted on the group “Our Beautiful, Sustainable Future Together: Schools and the New European Bauhaus”. On social media, eTwinners will find a series of useful tips and information for creating quality projects. The official hashtag of the campaign is #eTw4Future.
eTwinning weeks: on the road to quality!
Throughout the campaign, participating faculty members will be encouraged to share their interests and work collaboratively on creating quality projects through partner research sessions and webinars for sharing good practices.
Furthermore, in order to compare their work with the community, learn from each other and increase the quality of projects, there will be the opportunity to participate in some peer-reviewing activities. All information can be found on the pages of the groups dedicated to the campaign.
For more information, access the dedicated group >>