The school is, par excellence, the place of equal opportunities and equal rights, where education to respect for differences and to combat discrimination and gender-based violence is provided, and the role and training of those who work at school are therefore central.
This is the main reason why PARtime was born, the training and research course on the culture of respect and equality, co-designed by the Tuscany Region and INDIRE and addressed, thanks to the collaboration with the Regional School Office and Anci Toscana, to teachers, school managers, Ata staff of schools of all levels and to educators of childcare services (0-6) of the Tuscan territory.
The project was presented on Tuesday 27 September during a press conference in Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati in Florence by the Assessor for Education and Equal Opportunities Alessandra Nardini, by INDIRE’s researchers, Maria Teresa Sagri, and Daniela Bagattini, by the director of the Regional School Office, Ernesto Pellecchia, and by Eleonora Ducci, Anci Toscana manager for gender equality policies and Mayor of Talla.
PARtime is organized on the Moodle platform for a fully autonomous attendance, through on-demand video lessons and downloadable educational kits. Registered users will be able to participate for free, and will receive a certificate for 25 hours of training. The course was supervised by experts from INDIRE and from the world of universities, anti-violence centers, and justice institutions.
Theoretical and laboratory lessons are provided. The former gives a concise but complete picture of the topic of gender education, with particular regard to curricular teaching and the role of the school in the prevention of stereotypes and gender violence, as required by the Istanbul Convention. Theoretical lessons are mandatory, in order to obtain the certificate and are divided into four modules consisting of video lessons. The workshop lessons are specifically designed for schools of all levels and offer ideas, suggestions and materials to be adopted in daily teaching.
Registrations have been open since September 22 at the link To date, about 400 teachers, educators, and Ata staff, have already joined.
It will be possible to register until 8 October, while the online platform will be active from 11 October. Enrollment will open again in the coming months.
Participation in the training involves the completion of two questionnaires: one preparatory to enrollment, one at the end of the training, in order to detect the expectations and needs of educational and school staff on these issues and an evaluation of the course.
For support and information:
Registration is open >>
Page dedicated to PARtime on the INDIRE website >>
[Press release of Toscana Notizie]