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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


22 ottobre 2022

INDIRE and Save the Children present the “Volunteers for Education” project

Supporting small schools in strengthening and recovering actions for learning.

This is the “Volunteers for Education” project, organized by Save the Children, which aims to recover learning and motivation to study of children and adolescents, aged 9 to 17, after the Covid-19 pandemic.

INDIRE, as part of the action it carries out in support of small Italian schools, is part of the project with a scientific collaboration that pays attention to the dimension of “inter-professionalism” (between teachers, families and educators) at the basis of an open, inclusive and widespread school system, which feeds on territorial educational alliances to expand services and the curricular offer.

Study support will take place online, individually or in small groups, with the aim of reaching students who live in the most at-risk contexts and where the schools make use of local and national alliances to guarantee their democratic educational role and quality. The project foresees to combine a volunteer, namely, a university student adequately trained on specific disciplines, with a  child/adolescent or with a small group of children/adolescents with the aim of making learning recovery and strengthening possible, as well as enabling educational and didactic continuity even in less comfortable situations.


The project will be presented with a special online event on Thursday 27 October at 5 pm.


  • Carlotta Bellomi, School leader – Save the Children Italy;
  • Paola Pellegrino, project coordinator of “Volunteers for Education – Save the Children Italy.

There are also testimonies of some of the protagonists of the project. Giuseppina Rita Jose Mangione, INDIRE’s first researcher, head of the research group that works to support educational quality in small schools, will moderate the event.


Find out more about the project and join the webinar >>