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Ricerca per l'innovazione della scuola italiana


27 ottobre 2022

Initial teacher training, a new eTwinning award for universities

The eTwinning community adds a new award: the Initial Teachers Education Award (ITE Award), which is the ITE national eTwinning Certificate for initial teacher education.

The eTwinning for Future Teachers – Initial Teacher Education (ITE) is an initiative launched by the European Commission and the eTwinning Central Unit which, by bringing together initial teacher education institutions from countries participating in the community, aims to include the eTwinning experience in all training activities for prospective teachers. ITE in fact offers students (future teachers) and their trainers the opportunity to concretely live the experience of European collaboration, benefiting from an international community of professionals who experiment with innovative pedagogical methodologies.

The eTwinning National Certificate for initial teacher education was created to enhance the work done by the most active universities in promoting and experimenting with eTwinning within the initial training path of future teachers.

In particular, it certifies the existence of relevant activities and minimum requirements in one or more of the following areas:


  • Integration of eTwinning into the curriculum
  • Development and implementation of eTwinning projects
  • Research results in relation to eTwinning

Each year, Italian universities will have the opportunity to apply for this national recognition. The application, evaluation and selection procedures will be communicated from year to year to all universities participating in the initiative (here more information on the award and evaluation criteria).

Here is the list of universities that have won the national eTwinning Certificate for initial teacher education in 2022:



ITE National Awards 2022, the winners


The awarded universities compete for the recognition of Institution of Initial Teacher Education of the Year at European level: the outcome will be announced during the ITE 2022 European Conference, scheduled for the end of November.


All information on the “eTwinning for Future Teachers – ITE” initiative >>