Francesco De Bartolomeis, born in the province of Salerno, professor of pedagogy at the University of Turin from 1956 to 1988, is 105 years old, today, 20 January. In the 1950s and 1960s, thanks to his vast knowledge of the history of pedagogy he worked hard to make known in Italy the most important European and North American scholars, having them published by the publishers with whom he collaborated (Loescher and Nuova Italia in particular).
Among his first texts we should mention the important volume “La pedagogia come scienza” (Pedagogy as a science) with which he clearly distanced himself from the idealistic tradition.
In the seventies he played a decisive role in the birth of full-time schools, especially in Turin, and at the university he carried out an important experimentation of educational laboratories for the students of his courses, aimed at integrating the theoretical study of pedagogy.
The theoretical-practical bases of this innovation are contained in two texts of that period which had great success among teachers, “La ricerca come antipedagogia” and “Il sistema dei laboratori”.
He is still very active and continues to write and intervene in the cultural and political debate on school education: a few months ago he gave an extensive interview to the newspaper Domani commenting on the new course inaugurated by Minister Valditara.
Last September the book ” I bambini, l’arte, la cultura” was released, in which his two great interests merge: childhood education and art also understood as a practice of knowledge and creativity.
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