“Active Aging: the role of lifelong learning”. The new issue of EPALE Journal is online
The new issue of the EPALE Journal on Adult Learning and Continuing Education published by Indire with the scientific direction of the RUIAP university network is available.
The volume, entitled “Active Aging: the role of lifelong learning“, offers a reflection on training processes, educational paths, learning programmes dedicated to adults out of work or in retirement age. The subject of the issue was chosen based on what has been defined Active Aging. The National Plan for Resilience and Recovery centered on the Consequences and challenges of aging one of its 14 large extended Partnerships, i.e. research programmes characterized by an interdisciplinary approach created by widespread networks of Universities and Public Research Institutions. Among these, we find the extended partnership n.8 “Age it” which is dealing, and will deal with, the consequences of aging in a country with a high decline in birth rates and a high rate of pensioners.
“Our magazine”, writes Vanna Boffo, editor of this issue, “starts a very first, almost embryonic, nucleus of debate which we hope to be broad, not only for Adult Education, but also in every other disciplinary aspect that will be able to increase the transdisciplinary perspective. The issue we propose has collected a series of texts that focus on some key perspectives of current andragogical reflection, from education in old age, to the reflexivity of the elderly condition, to healthcare for and with the elderly, and for those who will become elderlies in the near future.”
[from the editorial by Vanna Boffo, Director of the Forlilpsi Department of the University of Florence].
“Active Aging: the role of lifelong learning”
edited by Vanna Boffo
Read Epale Journal n.12 (Italian version)
Epale Journal on Adult Learning and continuing education is the journal born in 2017 from the collaboration between Indire – EPALE Unit and the Italian University Network for Lifelong Learning (RUIAP). The journal has recently obtained recognition as a scientific journal for Area 11 (pursuant to the ANVUR Regulation approved with Resolution of the Board of Directors No. 42 of 2/20/2019).
All issues, in Italian and English, are available at this web address:
photo by David Matos on Unsplash